Mahedi Hasan

Full-stack Developer

Front-end Developer

Back-end Developer

Mobile and Web App Developer

Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan

Full-stack Developer

Front-end Developer

Back-end Developer

Mobile and Web App Developer

Food Planet: An Android App for Combating Food Wastage

Food wastage is a pressing global issue that not only affects our environment but also deprives millions of people of a basic necessity: food. In an effort to address this problem, the Food Planet app was developed in 2018 as a platform for individuals to share their excess meals with those in need. With the help of dedicated volunteers, the app has successfully connected donors and recipients, facilitating the redistribution of food to homeless and underprivileged individuals. In this portfolio post, we will highlight the key features of the Food Planet app and the technologies used to bring this impactful project to life.

Source Code: GitHub – mhutshow/FoodPlanet


Tech Stack:
The Food Planet app was developed for the Android platform, employing a range of technologies and plugins to ensure a seamless user experience and efficient functionality. The tech stack utilized for this project includes:

1. Firebase: Firebase, a comprehensive development platform by Google, was employed for various functionalities, including user authentication, real-time database management, and cloud storage. This allowed for secure user profiles and efficient data storage and retrieval.

2. Geolocator: The Geolocator plugin played a crucial role in the Food Planet app by providing accurate location data. It enabled volunteers to identify the proximity of food donors and recipients, facilitating efficient pickups and deliveries.

3. Push Notifications: Push notifications were implemented to keep users engaged and informed about important updates, such as new donation listings or volunteer requests. This feature ensured timely communication between all stakeholders involved in the food sharing process.

4. Additional Plugins: Various other plugins were integrated to enhance the app’s functionality and user experience. These plugins may include image uploading and processing, social sharing, analytics, and more. Each plugin was carefully selected and customized to meet the unique requirements of the Food Planet app.

Key Features:
The Food Planet app boasts a range of features designed to facilitate seamless food sharing and create a positive impact on communities:

1. Donation Listings: Users can easily post pictures and details of their surplus meals, specifying the location and pickup time. This feature enables potential recipients to identify available food donations nearby.

2. Live Chat: The app incorporates a live chat feature, allowing donors, recipients, and volunteers to communicate in real-time. This ensures efficient coordination and enhances the overall user experience.

3. Volunteer System and Ranking: The app implements a volunteer system, enabling individuals to sign up as volunteers and contribute their time to collect and deliver food donations. A ranking system recognizes and rewards the most active and dedicated volunteers, fostering a sense of community and healthy competition.

4. User Privacy: The Food Planet app prioritizes user privacy by concealing the personal information of food recipients. Only volunteers and donors have access to relevant details, ensuring the anonymity and dignity of individuals in need.

The Food Planet app exemplifies the power of technology in addressing societal challenges and fostering a spirit of compassion and community. By utilizing Android as the platform and integrating technologies such as Firebase, Geolocator, push notifications, and other customized plugins, the app has successfully facilitated the sharing of excess meals with those who need it most. Through the dedicated efforts of volunteers and the support of donors, Food Planet has made a significant impact in reducing food wastage while nourishing and empowering underprivileged individuals.