Mahedi Hasan

Full-stack Developer

Front-end Developer

Back-end Developer

Mobile and Web App Developer

Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan
Mahedi Hasan

Full-stack Developer

Front-end Developer

Back-end Developer

Mobile and Web App Developer

HabitGrow – Habit Tracker Android and iOS App

Tech Stack : Flutter, Sqflite, Provider state management, In App Purchases, Hive, Firebase, One Signal, Worker etc.



Project Overview:

HabitGrow is a feature-packed task and habit tracker app. Built with Flutter, Sqflite, Provider state management, In-App Purchases, Hive, Firebase, OneSignal, Worker, and more, HabitGrow revolutionizes the way you manage tasks and cultivate positive habits. Let’s explore the advanced tech stack and innovative features that make HabitGrow stand out from the crowd.

📱 Flutter: HabitGrow leverages the power of Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit, to deliver a seamless and visually stunning cross-platform experience. With Flutter’s hot-reload feature, we ensure rapid development and real-time updates to keep you on the cutting edge.

💾 Sqflite: Our integration with Sqflite, a Flutter package for SQLite, ensures efficient and reliable local data storage. Your tasks and habits are securely stored on your device, allowing for lightning-fast access and smooth performance.

🔀 Provider State Management: HabitGrow utilizes Provider, a state management solution for Flutter, to handle complex data flows and ensure a responsive user interface. With Provider, your task and habit updates are seamlessly synchronized, providing a hassle-free user experience.

💲 In-App Purchases: Unlock premium features and take your productivity to the next level with HabitGrow’s in-app purchases. Seamlessly upgrade your account, access exclusive tools, and supercharge your task and habit management journey.

🗃️ Hive: To further enhance data storage capabilities, HabitGrow incorporates Hive, a lightweight and efficient NoSQL database. Enjoy seamless data synchronization, improved performance, and a hassle-free user experience, all thanks to Hive’s powerful features.

🔥 Firebase: We have integrated Firebase, Google’s mobile development platform, to empower HabitGrow with real-time data synchronization and cloud storage. Your tasks and habits stay in sync across multiple devices, ensuring a seamless experience wherever you go.

📩 OneSignal: Stay on top of your tasks and habits with timely reminders and notifications powered by OneSignal. Never miss an important deadline or forget to complete a crucial habit, as HabitGrow keeps you informed and motivated.

👷 Worker: HabitGrow utilizes the Worker package to efficiently handle background tasks, ensuring smooth app performance while performing essential operations in the background. Seamlessly sync data, update statistics, and perform automated tasks without impacting the user experience.